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Review Underwater Cities

What's this?

Players work to build underwater cities, a transportation network that connects them, and various facilities to support them.

How do you play?

➡️ You always start your turn with 3 cards. On your action turn, you play a card and at the same time choose a free action space. If the color of the card you played matches the color of the location you chose you can also activate the effect of your card. At the end of your turn, you always draw a card.

Players continue until everyone has completed their three turns of action.

➡️ There are several actions, including:

➡ Collect resources.
➡ Build or improve buildings within your underwater cities.
➡ Collect cards.
➡ Get on the federation track
➡ Use action cards.
➡ Play cards. Some will have immediate effects, while others will have permanent effects. There are also cards that trigger during the production phase or during the final count.

➡️ At the end of each game turn, the era token moves forward one space on the era track. When it reaches a production space, a production phase takes place, a special phase during which their underwater network produces points and resources while their population consumes food.

➡️ The actions you choose to take will depend on your strategy and the cards you have in hand. The objective is to build an efficient and prosperous underwater city while accumulating victory points to win the game at the end of the game.

Is it good?

Underwater cities is Vladimír Suchý’s little gem.

The tasty mix of placing workers on action locations with the obligation to play a card of the right color to be able to combo is a well-found mechanic and a real fun pleasure.

The construction of your underwater colony also offers pleasure and numerous strategic choices (build which building, join which megacity, gain victory points now or at the end of the game, etc.) And the most exhilarating part of all this is the rise in power through the ages. We start with little income and resources but as the game progresses we feel our strategy and our engine taking shape.

Because yes the game is really tight in terms of resources and we won’t be able to do everything.

There’s a lot to think about with Underwater Cities with its colony building, its effect card board construction, not to mention having to combine all of that with board actions.

All the mechanics work perfectly together. He found the perfect blend for a deep, rich and exciting game.

I can only recommend it to all people who like expert games.

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Review Underwater Cities
Underwater Cities, Vladimír Suchý's masterpiece, offers playful fun with its worker-posing mechanics combined with the use of colored cards for strategic combos, while providing an immersive underwater colony building experience. marine where the rise of power through the eras and the tension of resources add captivating strategic depth, making this game a must-have choice for expert gaming enthusiasts.


  • Mixing Worker Pose and Card Pose
  • The construction of his colony
  • The rise in power
  • A rich and deep game
  • Mechanics that work well


  • Somewhat long games
  • Equipment not up to standard


  • Components and illustrations 8.0
  • Mechanics 10.0
  • Theme 10.0
  • Replayability 10.0
  • Handling 9.0
  • Interaction 8.5
  • Originality 10.0

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