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Review Barrage

What's this?

Barrage is a strategic board game that focuses on energy management and dam construction.

How do you play?

The game is played in several phases:

Phase 1: Player Board and Source Income (Water Droplets to Place)

  • Players collect income from their player boards and sources (water droplets).
  • Players place water droplets on their player boards and in their reservoirs.

Phase 2: Player Actions

  • Players take turns performing actions.
  • The main actions are:
    • Construct:
      • To construct, players must place their workers on their player board, place the desired building technology tile and the required machines in their construction wheel, and then rotate the wheel.
      • Construct dams and elevations: Dams create reservoirs to store water.
      • Build power plants: Power plants generate energy when water flows through them.
      • Build conduits: Conduits connect reservoirs to power plants.
    • Produce Energy:
      • Convert water to energy and produce energy with your power plants. You can also use another player’s conduit.
      • Move your energy marker on the energy track the number of spaces equal to the number of energy produced.
      • If you have a contract with an energy demand less than or equal to the number of energy produced, you can fulfill that contract and collect the indicated reward.
    • Workshop: Rotate your wheel to get your machines back faster.
    • Bank: Collect credits.
    • Contracts: Collect new contracts that you can fulfill when producing energy.
    • Patent Office: Buy advanced technology tiles.

Phase 3: Scoring

  • Players earn victory points (VP) based on their token on the energy track.
  • The round bonus tile is also resolved.

Phase 4: End of Round or Maintenance

  • Players check for end-of-game conditions.
  • If the game is not over, players perform end-of-round maintenance.

End of the game:

  • The player with the most VP wins the game.

Strategic placement of dams, conduits, and power plants is essential to produce the most energy.

Is it good?

Barrage is an excellent board game that offers a unique and deep gaming experience, with many strategic choices. If you want to overheat your neurons, this game is for you.

The construction wheel mechanic and worker placement work wonderfully and are perfectly integrated into the game’s gameplay.

Players are constantly competing for spaces on the main board, as well as worker spaces, which creates dynamic tension and interaction throughout the game. Don’t be too susceptible if someone takes your spot.

This water management is unique and will create many interactions that will determine your strategy. Water management is at the heart of the game and will require careful planning. Every drop counts and the slightest mistake can be costly. Be careful, the game rarely forgives if you make a mistake from the start.

The theme of dam building and energy production is very well integrated into the game, which is quite rare for a eurogame.

The game can be difficult to master, which can make it off-putting for casual players. But persevere, because the game is exceptional.

If you are looking for a complex and demanding game that will put your intellect to the test, Barrage is for you. Its strategic depth and intense player interaction make it a gem of a game. It is one of my favorite games, I fell in love with it from the first time I played it.

Overall, Barrage is an excellent board game that I highly recommend to anyone looking for a deep and challenging gaming experience.

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Review Barrage
Barrage is a complex and demanding board game that offers a unique gaming experience thanks to its numerous strategic options and its well-integrated water management and worker placement mechanics. Players are in constant competition for resources and spaces, which generates strong interaction and tension throughout the game.


  • Great strategic depth
  • Original and well-integrated theme
  • Strong player interaction
  • High-quality components and illustrations
  • The perfect game to make your neurons overheat
  • A gem of a game


  • A demanding game that doesn't forgive


  • Components and illustrations 9.5
  • Mechanics 10.0
  • Theme 10.0
  • Replayability 10.0
  • Handling 9.0
  • Interaction 10.0
  • Originality 10.0

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