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Windmill Valley

What's this?

The game Windmill Valley is set in the Netherlands at the end of the 19th century, where players take on the role of tulip farmers and entrepreneurs. The goal is to manage windmills and tulip fields while earning victory points through various actions.

How do you play?

Game Turn Phase

➡️ Adjust Water Speed ​​(optional).
➡️ Adjust Water Level.
➡️ Spin Action Wheels: Players spin their action wheels by a number of notches equal to the water speed.
➡️ Perform Action: Player chooses one of the actions on the action wheels.

The Action Phase

➡ Plant Tulips: Plant bulbs in the tulip rows on the farm board to earn end-game points and immediate rewards.

➡ Lower Water Level: Reduce the water level and receive coins or victory points based on the current position of the water level marker.

➡ Build a Mill: This action allows players to place a mill on the main board and earn points and rewards based on the mill’s position. It must be connected to the market by an uninterrupted path of mills.

➡ Visit the Market: Players can move their pawn on the market area to get rewards in tulips or additional resources.

➡ Upgrade Wheels: Place an upgrade tile on the action wheels to improve future actions.

➡ Foreign Trade: It allows to use stored tulips to get rewards or remove bulbs from the board to put them back in the player’s storage.

➡️ The end of the game is triggered as soon as a player reaches the last space of the calendar track.

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