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Vantage the next Stonemaier Games

Vantage is an open-world cooperative adventure game for 1-6 players, designed by Jamey Stegmaier. Vantage offers an entire world to explore, with players communicating while scattered across the globe. With nearly 800 interconnected locations on maps and over 900 other maps to discover, the world is your playground.

Each game of Vantage begins aboard an intergalactic ship en route to an unexplored planet. After crashing far from your companions, you have complete freedom in how to explore, discover and interact with the planet. You see your location from a first-person perspective: you can communicate and support other players, but you are separated by great distances, so only you see your current location.

Vantage is not a campaign game and it is completely self-contained (no expansions, just some accessories like metal parts). Details about Vantage will be revealed here and to subscribers until it launches in 2025 on the Stonemaier website and hits stores shortly thereafter.


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