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Review Wingspan

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Wingspan, as a card board construction game, generated remarkable enthusiasm upon its release. Its atypical theme, its material of exceptional quality and its illustrations of magnificent birds have contributed to its reputation. What further sets Wingspan apart is its author’s commitment to the authenticity of the theme.

The extensive research in ornithology is evident in every detail of the game, providing an immersive experience for players. Each card faithfully represents the characteristics of birds, adding an educational dimension while enriching the playful experience.

How do you play?

On your turn you must choose between 4 actions on your player board:
– Play a bird card from your hand
– Earn food and activate forest birds
– Lay eggs and activate meadow birds.
– Draw new cards and activate swamp birds.

We will therefore need to collect enough food to be able to add birds to our board. It will be necessary to lay eggs in order to lay other birds, perform additional actions and accumulate victory points at the end. In addition, you will need to draw an adequate number of cards to have a wide range of birds that you can place, thus making it possible to achieve combos and validate certain objectives at the end of the round.

At the end of each round, the scoring will vary: you will need to have a certain type of birds, nests, have a defined number of birds in a certain habitat, etc. The more birds you place in a habitat, the more powerful the corresponding action will be, and you will thus activate all the birds in that habitat. This way, you will be able to create many particularly satisfying combos.

Is it good?

Yes, Wingspan, it’s excellent. First of all, the game looks beautiful, with breathtaking hardware and clean artwork. I’m an absolute fan. Wingspan is ideal for introducing new players to the world of board games thanks to its beautiful theme and relatively simple actions. Just by placing it on the table, people will be amazed to see it and will only want to play it.

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Review Wingspan
Wingspan is an excellent game with captivating visual design, quality hardware, and clean illustrations. Perfect for introducing new players, it arouses admiration as soon as it is placed on the table, immediately encouraging pleasure in the game.


  • DA, theme and material at the top
  • Lots of different cards
  • A simple, fluid and elegant game
  • Perfect for introducing board games


  • Little interactivity


  • Components and illustrations 10.0
  • Mechanics 8.0
  • Theme 9.5
  • Replayability 9.0
  • Handling 10.0
  • Interaction 7.5
  • Originality 9.0

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