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Review Terraforming Mars

What's this?

The main objective of this game is to accumulate victory points by participating in the process of terraforming the planet Mars.

How do you play?

The game takes place in several phases:

➡️ Turn order phase.

➡️ Research phase: Players have the opportunity to acquire project cards by paying their cost in money. They can choose to keep or discard newly obtained cards.

➡️ Action phase:

– Play a Project card: You can play a Project card from your hand by paying the corresponding money cost. Each Project card offers varied effects, such as raising temperature, introducing oxygen, building cities, etc.
– Carry out a Standard project: Increase the temperature, Add oxygen, Place a city or forest tile etc.
– Validate an objective or finance a reward on the main board
– Exchange 8 units of plants to increase the temperature by one notch.
– Spend 8 heat units to increase oxygen by one notch.

➡️ Production phases: Players generate heat.
Players obtain resources (silver, steel, titanium, plants) based on the project cards they own and their current production sources.

The game continues with these phases until the end-of-game conditions are met. Players then calculate their total victory points based on their achievements and completed projects.

Is it good?

Terraforming Mars is a must-have among expert games, with its hundreds of cards offering many possible strategies and combos.

You will have to build a powerful engine to obtain the maximum resources and actively participate in the terraforming of Mars, with indirect interaction through the board locations and common objectives. Each game is unique, requiring careful management of your hand of cards and your resources.

Although the game is essential in a game library, some aspects such as the manipulation of animals and microbes can be tedious, as well as the illustrations and basic material that could have been better.

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Review Terraforming Mars
Terraforming Mars is a must-have among expert games, offering numerous strategies and combos thanks to its hundreds of cards. Each part requires careful management of resources to actively participate in the terraforming of Mars, despite some tedious aspects such as the manipulation of animals and microbes as well as the illustrations and basic material that can be improved.


  • The many possible strategies and combos.
  • Indirect interaction during the terraforming of Mars.
  • Hundreds of different cards.
  • Great replay value.


  • Handling animals and microbes can be tedious
  • Illustrations and basic material
  • Games that can drag on for a long time.


  • Components and illustrations 8.0
  • Mechanics 10.0
  • Theme 10.0
  • Replayability 10.0
  • Handling 9.5
  • Interaction 9.0
  • Originality 10.0

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