Player Turn:
During your turn, you place one of your Path tokens in an empty slot on the main board to draw cards and, if you wish, play them in your Grassland or Surroundings area or the Campfire board to perform a special action and complete an objective. The special action will depend on your Path token.
➡️ Actions on the main board:
You place a token and take a card by counting a number of spaces equal to the number indicated on the token. The taken card can then be played in the Grassland or Surroundings area.
Playing cards: Ground and Observation cards are played in the Grassland area, while Landscape and Discovery cards are placed in the Surroundings area.
Each card has prerequisites to respect (for example, icons visible in your area).
You can ignore a prerequisite by discarding two cards from your hand, but at least one of the prerequisites must always be met.
➡️ Actions on the Campfire board:
You can perform special actions such as drawing cards, looking at a deck or playing cards.
If you complete an objective, place a Bonus token between two icons in your play area to score points. To complete an objective, you must have the indicated icons in your play area.
End of round:
A round ends when all players have used their Path tokens. Then, pass the First Player token and advance the round marker.
End of game and score calculation:
At the end of the last round, points are counted according to the cards played and the objectives completed. The player with the most points wins.