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Review Harmonies

What's this?

In Harmonies, you will need to create landscapes and attract as many animals as possible.

How do you play?

Your turn consists of three possible actions:

  1. Mandatory Main Action: • Take the 3 tokens from the same spot on the central board and place them on your personal board following the construction rules.
  2. Optional Action 1: Draw an Animal Card • You can draw an Animal Card from the 5 available in the card river and add it to a slot above your personal board. • Then, place Animal cubes on the card. • You can only have 4 Animal cards in hand at the same time.
  3. Optional Action 2: Place an Animal Cube • Choose one of your Animal cards and place an Animal cube on your board, respecting the habitat required by the card.

End of Game The game ends in two ways: • The token bag is empty. • At the end of a player’s turn, their board has two or fewer unoccupied spaces remaining.

You score points based on several criteria:

Animals placed on your board: Each Animal placed earns you points according to its value indicated on the card. Size of habitats: You score additional points for large mountains, fields, forests, and villages. Buildings: You score points for each Building surrounded by at least three tokens of different colors.

Is it good?

Harmonies made a splash upon release thanks to its stunning visuals and quality components. This brightly colored game stands out on the table!

The rules are simple and the gameplay is smooth, but don’t be fooled by its adorable appearance: Harmonies hides an intellectual strategic puzzle. Each piece placed on your board must be carefully thought out and optimized to validate multiple Animal cards. Additionally, you must score victory points based on the different habitats created (mountains, rivers, buildings, etc.).

It’s a game that stimulates the brain and requires you to compose an optimized 3D puzzle while adapting to opportunities.

While Harmonies doesn’t innovate in terms of mechanics, it excels at what it offers. And what a visual delight! I highly recommend it to family game enthusiasts.

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Review Harmonies
8.5Very good
Harmonies is a great choice for players looking for an abstract family game that is simple to learn but offers an interesting strategic challenge. Its gorgeous visuals make it a joy to watch and play.


  • A visual pleasure
  • Deep puzzle that rewards strategic thinking and opportunism
  • Simple and fluid rules


  • Limited interaction
  • Average theme
  • Nothing revolutionary


  • Components and illustrations 10.0
  • Mechanics 8.5
  • Thematic 6.9
  • Replayability 9.5
  • Handling 10.0
  • Interaction 7.5
  • Originality 7.0

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