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Review Evergreen

What's this?

In the Evergreen game, your goal is to create a lush ecosystem by planting seeds, growing trees, and placing other natural elements on your planet.

How do you play?

Each turn, you select a Biome card from the common pool to determine where on your planet you can plant your saplings or grow trees. The card you choose also grants you a special power that gives you more opportunities for growth or other improvements.

Unselected cards are just as important because they determine the fertility of each Biome for the final score and guide the choice of where you want to grow your trees.

It is also important to keep in mind the position of the Sun which changes each round and thus prevent your trees from obscuring each other, because light is vital for plants and is also a great source of victory points!

You also get points for your largest forest, so try to group your trees together. At the end of the fourth round or season, the game ends and the player who created the most lush planet wins the game.

Is it good?

Evergreen is a very good family game with a very well-integrated theme for an abstract game. Planting shoots, making them grow into shrubs and then trees, it’s easy to understand and fun to do. Same for the bushes that connect the forests together, the rivers that make adjacent elements grow, everything makes sense. The game also has great material, including wooden pawns that are a pleasure to look at on its board.

The rotation of the sun to change the score count each round is a brilliant idea that adds a nice touch of strategy to the whole game. Do we make a big forest or rather space everything out, everything gives food for thought. Same for the choice of your card and the one you leave for victory points at the end of the game.

This game is perfect for game nights with family or friends. In short, it’s an excellent choice for fans of abstract games with a coherent theme.

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Review Evergreen
Evergreen is a great abstract family game where players plant seedlings, grow them into shrubs and then trees, all cohesively integrated into a natural theme. The rotation of the sun to adjust points each round adds a strategic dimension, making Evergreen a great choice for game nights with family or friends.


  • The material and the illustrations
  • Mechanics well integrated into the theme
  • A good game of reflection and optimization


  • To see for the repetitiveness after X games.
  • Personal goals would have been nice.


  • Components and illustrations 9.0
  • Mechanics 8.0
  • Thematic 7.5
  • Replayability 7.0
  • Handling 8.5
  • Interaction 7.0
  • Originality 8.5

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