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Review Dog Park

What's this?

Dog Park is a game where players take on the role of dog walkers who recruit and walk dogs in a park to gain reputation. The goal of the game is to have the most reputation at the end of the game.

How do you play?

The game takes place in 4 rounds, each divided into 4 phases: Recruitment, Selection, Walk and Return home.

During the Recruit phase, players recruit two dogs for their kennel from available offers, bidding with their reputation to obtain them.

In the Selection phase, players choose up to three dogs to walk per round.

The Walk phase allows players to move around the park to collect useful items and gain reputation, such as dog treats, toys, and other resources.

Finally, during the Return Home phase, players gain reputation for each dog walked and lose reputation for each dog not walked in their kennel.

At the end of the game, players can also earn reputation by winning racial expertise awards and achieving personal goals.

The player with the most reputation at the end of the game wins the game.

Is it good?

Dog Park is a friendly family game with an atypical theme reminiscent of Wingspan and an aspect similar to Parks for its movement phase on the board. The game features a mix of several mechanics, including bidding, moving, gathering resources, and collecting cards for victory points.

Although it is ideal for introducing new players to these mechanics, for more experienced players, the game does not present anything innovative, although it is fun. Criticisms focus on the similarity of the dogs’ powers, the lack of combos and the bidding phase which is considered a bit flat.

However, for family game and dog lovers, Dog Park is still a game to watch.

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Rview Dog Park
Dog Park is a fun family game that combines several mechanics such as bidding, movement, and card collection, making it ideal for introducing new players, although more experienced players may find the game less innovative. Despite some criticism of the similarity of the dogs' powers and the bidding phase, fans of family and dog games may find Dog Park entertaining to watch.


  • The material and the illustrations
  • An atypical theme


  • Not enough different powers despite hundreds of cards
  • Lack of different personal goals


  • Matériel et illustrations 8.0
  • Mechanics 6.5
  • Thematic 7.0
  • Replayability 6.5
  • Handling 10.0
  • Interaction 7.5
  • Originality 6.0

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