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Review Cubitos

What's this?

Cubitos is a racing game based on the mechanics of hitchhiking or where the use of multi-colored dice with varied abilities, which can be acquired, proves crucial to reach the finish line in first position.

How do you play?

We start the game with a set of 9 basic dice, then gradually, turn after turn, we have the opportunity to improve our collection by acquiring new dice.

The game takes place in two distinct phases:

🔸 Throwing phase: This step highlights the mechanics of stopping or even. We must roll at least 9 dice, with each die showing blank sides signifying failure, and others displaying various icons or abilities. After rolling, we keep the dice with abilities displayed, while blank dice can be re-rolled. However, caution must be exercised, as getting exclusively blank faces when raising results in a loss, with small compensation, and the round is skipped. The intriguing idea lies in the dilemma of stopping or: should you try your luck for an improved throw, or stop while remaining careful?

🔸 Running phase: This stage is simpler. We activate our abilities, count our movement icons to progress, and use our money to buy new dice (two different ones per turn). A variety of dice with various capacities are available, allowing us to speed up, earn more money, re-roll our failures, etc.

As soon as a player crosses the finish line, the game ends. The box offers four distinct circuits and various cards modifying the capacities of the dice, thus offering a pleasant variation during the different games.

Is it good?

If you like games using stop-and-go mechanics, this one should definitely please you. You will enjoy building your dice reserve/deck according to your strategy, while grumbling when bad luck invites your throws.

Although the game offers a multitude of dice abilities, I want to point out that some can be subject to variable interpretation, which can slow down the flow of the game.

Cubitos remains an excellent game, fast and suitable for family time, even if, perhaps, it does not have the simplicity and immediate pleasure that we find in a game like “Charlatans de Belcastel”.

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Review Cubitos
Cubitos offers a pleasant gaming experience with the stop mechanic or even, allowing the strategic creation of reserves/dice decks, although some abilities can complicate the fluidity of the game, thus distinguishing it as an entertaining choice, but perhaps less simple and immediately fun than "Charlatans de Belcastel".


  • The mechanics of stopping or mixed with a racing game
  • Good for 2, 3 or 4
  • The wide variety of dice


  • But some dice powers not interesting at all
  • The big part of chance in this type of game
  • Different stages not always fluid


  • Components and illustrations 8.0
  • Mechanics 7.5
  • Thematic 7.0
  • Replayability 7.0
  • Handling 7.5
  • Interaction 8.0
  • Originality 9.5

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