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Project Gaia: The Lost Fleet Expansion Review

What's this?

The expansion introduces the concept of discovering the Lost Fleet, a collection of long-forgotten starships with advanced technology scattered across the galaxy.

Different factions race to explore and exploit the technologies found aboard these legendary ships.

How do you play?

This expansion includes new specific boards, tiles, tokens and markers.

➡️ Key elements are:

Lost Fleet Ship Boards: Four new boards representing discovered ships.

Faction Boards: Two new faction boards.

➡️ Game Mechanics and Actions:

Explore the Lost Fleet: Factions can now send exploration shuttles to discover and explore Lost Fleet ships, granting them access to powerful new technologies and new actions.

Artifacts: Players can discover and use artifacts to gain special abilities.

New Actions: Knowledge, Power and Credit actions are available from ships, in addition to actions such as “Build a Mine” or “Form a Federation”.

Advanced Technology and Federation Tokens: New conditions and opportunities for technological advancement and the formation of federations.

Is it good?

The Lost Fleet expansion brings new actions and strategies without distorting the already excellent base game.

The new factions introduce original and interesting mechanics. In addition, new planets are available for exploration.

However, the most important addition remains the exploration of the abandoned ships of the Lost Fleet, which offers advanced technologies, artifacts and other unique elements that redefine the rules of the game.

In short, this expansion is a must-have for all fans of the base game, adding undeniable strategic depth to an already rich game.

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Mon avis sur La Flotte Perdue
L'extension La Flotte Perdue enrichit le jeu Gaia Project en introduisant de nouvelles actions, factions, et planètes sans dénaturer l'équilibre du jeu de base. L'exploration des vaisseaux abandonnés, avec ses technologies avancées et artefacts uniques, ajoute une profondeur stratégique significative, faisant de cette extension un must-have pour les passionnés.


  • Des nouvelles stratégies
  • Plein de nouveaux éléments (tuiles de score etc)
  • L'apport des vaisseaux abandonnées
  • Des nouvelles factions au mécaniques inédites


  • Apporte une complexité supplémentaire

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