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Pirates of Maracaibo

What's this?

It is a game set in the Caribbean in the late 17th century, where players take on the role of pirates seeking to accumulate wealth and glory while facing various dangers.

How do you play?

➡️ Movement Phase

During a player’s turn, they must first move their ship 1 to 3 spaces. Each space corresponds to a card, and players cannot go back.

➡️ Action Phase

Once the movement is complete, the player performs an action based on where they ended their movement.

Development Card: The player can choose to: ignore the card and gain 5 doubloons or acquire the card by paying the indicated doubloon cost.

Residence Card: On a Residence card, the player can spend the indicated cost to build a residence for end-game VPs.

Location Card: Location cards offer special actions such as raiding, exploring, upgrading your ship, burying treasure, or drawing a quest.

Raid: The player rolls the three raid dice. They choose a die that defines the power of their raid to earn rewards.

Explore: The player can move their explorer on the exploration track. The player gets the effects of the icons on the space where the explorer stops.

Bury a treasure: The player can bury a treasure for each shovel icon present. 2VP at the end of the game.

Draw a quest: The player can take a Quest card from the market.

Ship upgrade: This allows them to unlock bonuses such as figureheads or improve the power of their actions.

➡️ Final Scoring

At the end of the three rounds, players count their points based on accumulated treasures, completed quests, built residences, etc. The one with the most points wins the game.

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