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In the footsteps of Marie Curie

What's this?

In the game “In the Footsteps of Marie Curie,” you play as scientists working alongside Marie Curie to help her in her research.

How do you play?

➡️Game mechanics:
Players take turns performing actions, following a sequence of steps. They can earn victory points (VP), collect resources, or advance the Timeline marker on the timeline.

Your turn :

➡️ 1. Cube Throwing Phase:
– Players take resource cubes from the reserve as indicated on the Workshop tile.
– They throw these cubes into the cube tower.

➡️ 2. Research Phase:
– Players choose between two actions:
– Collect resources: They take up to 3 resource cubes available at the bottom of the tower and place them on their personal board.
– Write a Thesis: Players can choose to write a thesis, which can earn them resources and VP.

➡️ 3. Experimentation Phase:

Players can perform several actions:

– Buy an Activity card: Only once per turn, players can buy one of the 4 Activity cards available on the central board by paying the indicated cost, which gives them bonuses depending on the number of cards owned.

– Transform resources: Players can transform resources according to the instructions on their personal board or the Marie Curie tile.

– Validate Experience tiles: Players can validate one or more experience tiles.

– Validate the personal objective tile.

➡️ Advancement on the Timeline: Certain actions allow players to advance the Timeline marker on the timeline, which can trigger immediate effects for all players.

➡️ The end of the game is triggered when the Timeline marker reaches the last square of the timeline.

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