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Ezra and Nehemiah

What's this?

Ezra and Nehemiah is a strategy game where players rebuild Jerusalem by managing resources and completing actions based on banners of different colors.

How do you play?

Each player must play a Character card. Each Character card has three banners representing its attributes.

Each turn, a player must choose one of three main actions, each action being associated with a banner color (red, gray, blue). The player adds up all the banners of the chosen color on his board to determine how many he can use to accomplish his action.

The 3 main actions:

Temple and Altar (Red): The player can use his red banners to place resources in the Temple or on the Altar via the Levites he has placed. Each resource placement brings victory points (VP), progress on the Altar track, and sometimes additional rewards such as coins or resources.<

Rubble, Walls and Doors (Grey): The player must first clear the rubble before rebuilding the walls or doors. Each type of debris requires a certain number of grey banners to be removed. Walls and gates rebuilt with resources provide VP and various rewards, as well as bonuses depending on the connections made.

Teaching and Movement (Blue): Blue banners are used to place your Scribes on scrolls, allowing you to obtain permanent powers or VP at the end of the game. They are also used to move your tent on the city map to obtain rewards.

Auxiliary actions:

In addition to their main action, a player can choose to perform an auxiliary action. They can use this action to trade with the character on the card they just played or to turn over a Development tile.


At each Sabbath, players must feed their workers and store 1 to 2 played Character cards under their player aid. This earns victory points (VP).

End-of-game scoring:

Once all players have completed the 3rd and final Sabbath, the final scoring of the game is carried out.

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